Meat Export Tool

This tool helps build understanding of the markets for and trends in New Zealand meat exports.

The Meat Export Tool presents trends for a variety of international markets.You can use this tool to generate and download customised charts in a variety of formats.

Note: Countries with values of less than $100,000 are not displayed.

About the Meat Export Tool

The visualisations available from this tool use aggregated data provided by meat exporters in export entries submitted to New Zealand Customs Service for all exports.

All meat exporters must be registered with New Zealand Meat Board under the Meat Board Act 2004.

Each month, export data for sheep meat and beef from Chapter 2 of the Harmonised System (HS), which covers meat and edible meat offal, is received from New Zealand Customs. The data available through this tool cover lamb and beef meat. It does not include edible meat offal. Our target is to process and release the information in this tool by the 10th of the month following export.

Countries with values of less than $100,000 are not shown as they are not considered material in the context of world markets.

Meat Export Tool Definitions


The volume of meat exported in tonnes product (or shipped) weight. Some combinations of meat, e.g. adding the volume of lamb, mutton and beef, are inappropriate and therefore generate an error message and data will not be shown.


The value of exports measured at the New Zealand border in New Zealand Dollars (NZD) on a FOB (free on board) basis.

Average Value

Value of exports divided by Volume exported and shown in NZD per tonne product weight.


Countries are grouped into regions for reporting purposes.


The name as recorded by New Zealand Customs Service based on customs entries. The World Customs Organization (WCO) defines the standards used by New Zealand Customs Service. These use ISO 3166, which is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to provide internationally recognised codes and which uses the names of countries maintained by the United Nations.


From 1 October to 30 September.

YTD (Year to Date)

From 1 October to the end of the latest month available.